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Tooling and Lubrication
Below are the titles and descriptions for tooling and lubrication resources.
Numerical Modeling of Tooling Improvements for Forging Processes
The objective of the present study is to determine if nano hardness testing provides a reliable means of measuring the surface hardness in forging die steels.
Development and Demonstration of Advanced Tooling Alloys for Molds and Dies
Efforts are underway to develop new processes to Figure 1.2 This party reduce machining time, eliminate distortion, and balloon covered with tin alloy demonstrates the increase the life of tools and dies. Several new rapid abilities of rapid tooling
Yield Strength of Hot Forging Die Steels at Working Temperatures
The purpose of the present study was to produce experimental data of the yield strength behavior of several die steels as a function of temperature after they had been tempered to various hardness levels.
Physiothermodynamics of Lubricant Application to Hot Die Surfaces
Webinar: Investigation of Surface Topography Effects
This webinar investigates how the surface finish affects metal flow in die cavity.
The Tempering Parameter for Evaluating Softening of Hot and Warm Forging Die Steels
The present study evaluates the tempering parameter for steels with higher alloy content than in previous studies and at longer times and higher temperatures than are typically used for tempering martensite.
Mechanical Properties of Hot Forging Die Steels at Working
The purpose of this project is to produce experimental data of the yield strength behavior of several die steels as a function of temperature after they had been tempered to various hardness levels.
Laser Texturing of Die Surfaces to Improve Lubrication
This study explores the possibility of using Laser texturing on the tool and its relevance to micro-lubrication in bulk forming. High interface friction is a primary cause for adhesive pickup in cold forging and extrusion of alloys. This study invest
Forging Lubricants Technology Status Quo and Best Practices
The presentation will cover a basic understanding of current lubricant technologies and their use in hot and warm forging operations
Application of Advanced Die Materials and Lubrication Systems
This ongoing study aims to reduce die wear through application of proprietary hot-work tool steels and ceramic-based materials through combination of computational analysis and shop floor experimentation.
Report on Material and Surface Engineering of Dies for Precision Forging
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-knowledge of die materials and surface engineering for forging dies.
Adaptable Dies To Minimize Distortion In Non-Axisymmetric Extrusions
In the present paper, the analysis method is extended to a non-axisymmetric (termed three-dimensional) extrusion. The process that is examined herein is the extrusion of a round-cornered rectangular shape from a cylindrical billet.
Improving Forging Tooling Performance and Durability by Additive Manufacturing Cladding and Repair
The objective of this presentation is to develop, evaluate, and qualify novel methods of tooling repair and improvement in performance and durability using additive manufacturing (AM) methods.
Estimation of Die Stresses and Wear in Warm Forging of Steel Pinion Shafts
In order for forging companies in developed countries to remain competitive in a global market, in which the advances in developing countries are undermining the market share of companies in well-developed countries, they must utilize modern techniqu
Investigation of Surface Topography Effects on Metal Flow of Aluminum and Steel
Although worldwide consumption of metals has decreased in recent years, forging usage has continued to grow as a result of increasing demand for products that are stronger, tougher and more reliable.
Exploration of New Forging Materials: High Entropy Alloys
The primary objective of this project is to explore high entropy alloys (HEAs) as a potential coating to extend the lifetime of H13 steel die heads.
A Method for Measuring the Hardness and Elastic Modulus of the Surface Layer on Hot Forging Dies
The objective of the present study is to determine if nano hardness testing provides a reliable means of measuring the surface hardness in forging die steels.
Failure Analysis of H13 Gear Blank Forging Dies
The objective of the failure analysis project was to investigate and realize the mode and cause(s) of premature failure of forging dies composed of pre-hardened H13 stock.
Die Steel Tempering Parameter and The Relationship to In-Process Forging Die Hardness
The present study reports on a project that was initiated to verify that the die steel tempering parameter can be used to predict the in-service softening of a production closed-die forging die.
Modeling of Water and Lubricant Sprays
This research is concerned with developing a more complete understanding of spray cooling effects on hot forging process by modeling the thermal-steady state temperature of tool, modeling of droplet spread and evaporation on the tool surface, modelin