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FIA Fundamentals of Forging 101 Workshop 2025

The FIA is excited to welcome back W.L. Bud Kinney to instruct our Fundamentals of Forging 101 Workshop following the FIA Midwest Meeting of Members. This workshop will teach the fundamentals of the forging process in language that attendees can understand, regardless of their experience level. As technology advances, it is becoming more important for buyers and forging professionals to understand the science behind the forging process and hot it compares to other processes such as castings, weldments, or machining from bar. The workshop will also cover how forgings are made, and how quality is added through each stop of the forging process.

Fundamentals of Forging 101

January 22, 2025
Blackhawk Technical College
Janesville, WI

About the Presenter: W.L. Bud Kinney:
Bud has a bachelor's degree in marketing, development, and strategic planning and a Mechanical Engineering BME. He works with the Engineering - Mechanical Advisory Committee at Cleveland State University where he was previously the Chair. Bud's wealth of knowledge is deep, including the following forging specialties:
     •   Maintenance Foreman
     •   Plant Engineer
     •   Plant Superintendent
     •   Sales Engineer
     •   Vice President of Sales
     •   Vice President of Technology and Development

Reference Materials:
Each participant will receive valuable reference materials published by FIA to start your own forging reference library in your office:
     -   Product Design Guide for Forging  - written for those interested in taking advantage of all the forging
          process offers, and inclusive of pictures and basic explanations of all facets of the forging process.
     -   Open Die Forging Technology - the definitive book for the open die forging process, inclusive of
          basic descriptions of the process, metallurgy, and typical products.
     -   Forging: Where, Why, How? - a basic primer of the processes, materials and product that take
          advantage of the forging process.

Registration Fee:
Member: $695
Non-member: $895

Please login at the top of this page to begin your registration. The last day to register for this event is January 10, 2025. No registrations will be accepted after this date. For questions concerning registration, or to submit a paper registration form, please contact Kathy Edwards at or (216) 781-6260.

January 22, 2025
8:00 a.m.              Registration & Breakfast 
8:30 a.m.  Fundamentals of Forging 101 
  Instructor: Bud Kinney 
12:30 p.m.  Lunch 
1:00 p.m.  Tour: Blackhawk Technical College 
1:45 p.m.  Workshop Concludes - Plant Tour Safety Briefing 
2:00 p.m.              Plant Tour: Scot Forge Clinton Facility 
  (Must be pre-registered/ registration is limited / transportation not provided) 


Plant Tour:  (Pre-registration is required. If you plan to attend the plant tour, you must select the tour as a program option below. Registration for the workshop does not automatically register you for the plant tour.)
Scot Forge Clinton Facility
105 Scot Drive
Clinton, WI 53525

The Clinton, WI plant spans 273,000 sq. ft. and is a leading open die forging facility known for producing high quality forged bars and open die forgings. It specializes in Tartan Bars®, which are rolled bars with enhanced strength and quality, and offers a variety of bar configurations including square, flat, hex, and plate types. The facility can also forge parts up to 50,000 lbs., including spindles, hollows, rings, hubs, and blanks. Equipped with state-of-the-art machinery, it features a planishing mill, saw cutting, heat treating, and rough machining capabilities. The plant operates three hydraulic open die presses (3,000 ton, 2,000 ton, and 1,250 ton) and a 2,000 ton hydraulic upset press.

Please note: The Scot Forge Clinton Facility reserves the right to deny admittance to their plant. Scot Forge will review the attendee list prior to the event, and if they determine an individual cannot attend, they will notify FIA, and FIA staff will inform the attendee directly. By participating in the plant tour, you agree to host a Scot Forge Clinton Facility employee for a plant tour at a later date, if requested.

Suggested Hotels:
 Ironworks Hotel
500 Pleasant Street
Beloit, WI 53511
(608) 362-5500

Hotel Goodwin
500 Public Avenue
Beloit, WI 53511
(608) 473-1400

Participants are responsible for their own hotel and travel arrangements.

Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations will be permitted until January 10, 2025 and will be refunded in full. After January 10, 2025 no refunds will be given, but substitutions are allowed if submitted to FIA in writing.

Please Note:
No registration is final until accepted by FIA. FIA reserves the right to refuse registration/attendance to any person. Any registration that is not accepted by the FIA will be refunded in full. 

1/22/2025 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Central Standard Time
Blackhawk Technical College Room 1315 Janesville, WI 53546 UNITED STATES
Registration for this workshop is now closed.


Wednesday, 22 January 2025

1/22/2025 2:00 PM