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Advancing Your Credentials & Career in the Forging Industry

Advancing Your Credentials & Career in the Forging Industry
This live virtual event is the second of four Next Gen Lunch & Learn Webinars. Put on by the Next Gen Committee, the Next Gen Lunch & Learns will cover topics such as finances, workplace culture, career advancement, effective communication, adjusting to change, and how the forging industry relates to everyday life. Lunch & Learns are intended for Next Gen individuals under 35 years old in the forging industry.

February 15, 2024
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. (ET)

During this Lunch & Learn, panelists will discuss their education, how they obtained their degrees and certifications, and how it has helped them advance their careers in the forging industry.

     -   Christine Andreason, Alton Steel, Bachelor of Science and MBA
     -   Dan Kolokoski, Commercial Forged Products, Bachelor of Science, MBA, and P.E.
     -   Jan Domke, Forge Resources Group, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Accounting, and Six Sigma
          Master Black Belt
     -   Justin Dzik, Fives NA Combustion, Bachelor and Master of Science and P.E.

     -   Mindy Toth, Fives NA Combustion, MBA, SHRM-CP, CAC, LSSYB

Registration Fees:*
Next Gens:             Free 
Non-member:           $195 

*Once registered, prior to the webinar, you will receive an email with a link to join the Zoom Meeting. Please make sure your company permissions allow you to access Zoom. 

Registration Questions:
If you have questions about registration, please contact Kathy Edwards at or call (216) 781-6260.

About the Next Gen Committee:
The FIA Next Gen Committee is comprised of individuals (approximate age 20-35) who are young business and manufacturing employees working in the forging industry. The Next Gen Committee will provide an opportunity to collaborate with peers, share experiences, and discuss the challenges facing the forging industry.

Our mission is to increase awareness and attractiveness of the industry, as well as help to create the next wave of leadership. Committee members have the opportunity to enjoy plant tours, receive continuing education and training hours through the e-learning Forging University platform, network, and attend meetings and events to stay up to date with ideas and issues from all over the industry. Getting involved is a great way to meet young professionals in the field, explore career opportunities, find mentors, and get the skills and knowledge you need for advancement. This is also a great way to advance professional relationships and stay informed as a younger employee. For more information, please contact Amada Dureiko at

Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations will be permitted until February 1, 2024 and will be refunded in full. After February 1, 2024 no refunds will be given, but substitutions are allowed if submitted to the FIA in writing.

Please Note:
No registration is final until accepted by FIA. FIA reserves the right to refuse registration/attendance to any person. Any registration that is not accepted by the FIA will be refunded in full.
2/15/2024 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Eastern Standard Time
Virtual Webinar UNITED STATES
Registration for this webinar is now closed.