Before registering, please log-in to your FIA Account. Once signed in, the registration button will appear at the bottom of the page. If you have been to an FIA event/meeting in the past, you likely have an account. USERNAME is usually your corporate e-mail.

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Webinar: Dealing With Difficult People

Conflict happens. Sometimes people are difficult. However, we can take steps to minimize the frequency as well as the impact. In this program we explore why people can be challenging, what we can do to improve the situation, and communication strategies that work. We'll discuss everything from conflict avoidance to the importance of trust, as well as the value of empathy and clarity. Attendees will leave with actionable steps and language they can use the next time they find themselves confronted by a challenging co-worker, client, vendor, boss or direct report.

Webinar: Dealing With Difficult People

February 27, 2025
11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (ET)
Key Learning Objectives
-   How to diffuse a challenging situation
     -   How to use empathy with coworkers and constituents
     -   Effective communication strategies
     -   How to co-create solutions

FIA Members: FREE
Non-Members: $50

Please login at the top of this page to register. A link will be sent prior to the webinar. Questions about registration? Contact Kathy Edwards at or call 216-781-6260.

About the Presenter:
Diane Helbig
Helbig Enterprises


Diane Helbig is a business and leadership advisor and trainer, award-winning author and speaker, and Accelerate Your Business Growth podcast host. As president of Helbig Enterprises, Diane helps businesses and organizations operate more constructively and profitably.

Diane is the author of Succeed With Selling, Lemonade Stand Selling, and Expert Insights. She is currently the President of the NAWBO Northeast Ohio Board of Directors.


This webinar is hosted by the Women in Forging Committee. Women in Forging is a standing committee created by the Forging Industry Association to help women in the forging industry connect, network, build relationships, mentor young women and empower females in the forging industry to continue to grow in leadership roles. If you are interested in learning more about Women in Forging please contact Gabby Schultz at or call (216) 781-6260.

Cancellation Policy (Non-Members)
For paid registrations, cancellations will be permitted until February 13, 2025 and will be refunded in full. After February 13, 2025 no refunds will be given, but substitutions are allowed if submitted to the FIA in writing.

Please Note
No registration is final until accepted by FIA. FIA reserves the right to refuse registration/attendance to any person. Any paid registration that is not accepted by the FIA will be refunded in full. 

2/27/2025 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Eastern Standard Time
Sign in or create an account to register
Last day to register is 2/26/2025